Pet Store n More Logo

A Little About Us

Located at 85 Matthews Avenue, Airport West (just off the Tullamarine Freeway) you can find Pet Store n More. Having been around for over 6 years, it is safe to say we are confident in what we do. We have seen it all and most probably catered for it all by offering all our valued customers a huge range in stock for all domestic pets. Having said this, we do not just look after food & toys, we also offer live stock such as birds, rabbits, fish & more!

Another area we pride ourselves on is customer service, We want to make the point to all our valued customers that we do actually care about animals and are very keen to give you the most soundest advice for your situation.

Lastly, we encourage anyone who has questions, queries or concerns to give us a call! We would love to help both your pet and you so please don't hesitate to get in touch with us today and speak with a friendly staff member.